"We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill
Volunteering, dontating, and organizing
Outside of my "real" job, I spend a lot of time supporting organizations that I believe in through whatever means I am able. Whenever possible, I volunteer my time and resources to further help advance these organizations in their mission.

St. John XXIII
St. John XXIII is a private, Catholic school in Middletown, Ohio that provides an amazing education and environment for children in Preschool through 8th Grade. I've been involved in the school since 2010 in various roles including: school board member, soccer coach, track & field coach, marketing committee member, PTO member, fund raiser committee member, euchre tournament chairman, father/daughter dance co-chair, and technology consultant.

Boy Scouts of America, Pack 85
As a pack committee member and den leader with the Boy Scouts, I try to enrich the lives of all kids in the pack through fun activities that instill good values and teach valuable lessons. I also try to improve the pack as a whole with technological advances and new ideas that weren't possible in the past.

Knights of Columbus, Council #1610
I am currently the Grand Knight for Council 1610 of the Knights of Columbus. Some community events I have personally chaired include bi-monthly pancake breakfasts, annual trunk-or-treat, annual lenton fish frys, annual Kids Christmas party, annual soccer challenge, and annual free throw competitions. I also work with other members of the council to keep our technology up to date and constantly strive to move the council to digital solutions.