Crate Crash - All Gold
Posted Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:36:34 PMMany people have asked for a walk through, but that would just take way more time than I have. If you have specific questions about any level, just leave a comment or drop me an email (preferably leave a comment).
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There are 2 comments on this article
Adam Lewis (15 years ago)
Level 40 took me by far the longest to get gold on. I did it by shooting the blocks from the lower right of the screen towards the upper left, then clicking under them as they fell to knock them in front of the exit ramp, then to the left of them quickly to knock them through the tunnel before they fell. Easier said than done, I realize. It took me many many tries. Good luck!
nachos (15 years ago)
is there any trick to level 40?
i got gold on everything else
i got gold on everything else