How To Win An Amazon Kindle Fire For Free
Posted Thursday, December 1, 2011 12:37:03 PMThe sweepstakes is easy to enter, you just give us your name and email address. That's it. The cool page is that for each person you get to sign up for the sweepstakes, you get an extra entry. So imagine that 100 people enter the contest, and you're one of them. You have a 1 out of 100 chance of winning, or 1%. But, if you get 10 of your Facebook pals to sign up, you now have an 11 out of 110 chance of winning, or 10%.
Now, we won't go into the math of what happens when your friends refer friends, etc. The point is, with little effort you can greatly increase your odds of winning. To enter the sweepstakes, just visit:
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