I Was Raped Yesterday

Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 10:45:19 AM
Micro USB Cell Phone Car ChargerYesterday my wife and I took my mom to Indianapolis to watch a movie at the IMAX Theater at the Indiana State Museum. I used my VZ Navigator to get directions and all was good... until my phone started to die. I didn't have a car charger so at the next exit, Greensburg, Indiana, I stopped and ran into the local Wal-Mart.

They didn't have a micro USB charger. Argh. But, they directed me to The Cellular Connection right down the road.

I ran in and asked for the charger and the girl behind the counter got it and rang me up and then told me my total: $32. That's what they charged me for a freakin' cell phone charger!! I have never felt so violated in my life. I of course purchased it, because I had to have it, but... I'm still livid about it. In fact, I've looked up the closest Cellular Connection to me and might go and return it.

By the way, I looked up online what a genuine Verizon car charger costs, and it's only $22. Bottom line: The Cellular Connection is a rip off
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mick (15 years ago)
did you return it?