I Am Offically Tankless
Posted Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:36:00 PM
The plumbers just finished hooking up the tankless water heater. I have to say I was a little nervous, but it turned out great. We have so much more room and.... unlimited hot water. We set the unit to 125° F, and it definitely felt that hot. Possibly hotter. I couldn't keep my hand under the stream of water for very long. I also turned on both sinks, and while I did notice a slight drop it pressure, the water was still good and hot.
I'm anxious to take a shower and see how the temperature and pressure is, but I'm confident that both will be excellent. I'll post another article tomorrow about my first shower with the tankless water heater, and then I should be done spamming my blog and twitter with these updates.
View all photos of the tankless water heater and installation.
Going Tankless: My New Hot Water Heater (Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:46:16 AM) |